Bulk Cargo

It refers to the transport of loose goods, without individual containers or packaging, which are poured, dumped or handled directly during loading and unloading.

What is “Bulk Cargo” in Logistics?

Bulk cargo in logistics refers to the transportation of goods that are not packaged or contained in separate units, but are handled directly in large quantities.


In logistics, it is classified into several types depending on the nature of the material being transported. Here are some of the most common types of bulk cargo:

  1.  Solid:

    • Minerals: It includes materials such as coal, iron ore, coke, bauxite and phosphate.
    • Agricultural: Grains such as wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, and other unprocessed agricultural products.
  2.  Liquid:

    • Oil and byproducts: Includes crude oil, gasoline, diesel, kerosene and liquid petrochemicals.
    • Chemicals: Liquid chemicals such as acids, alcohols, solvents and fertilizers.
  3.  Soda:

    • Industrial Gases: It includes gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon and liquefied petroleum gases (LPG).

It plays essential roles in the supply chain and logistics, especially for homogeneous materials transported in large quantities. Some of the key features are:

  1. Transportation Efficiency:

    • It allows the efficient transportation of large volumes of homogeneous products in a single shipment, maximizing the loading capacity of means of transportation, such as ships, trains or trucks.
  2. Costs reduction:

    • By transporting large quantities in a single shipment, costs associated with packaging and individualized product handling are reduced, contributing to economic efficiency.
  3. Storage Optimization:

    • Facilitates efficient storage and handling in port facilities, warehouses or specialized terminals, as bulk products can be handled and stored more directly.

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