KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

KPIs are the acronyms of Key Performance Indicators (in English, Key Performance Indicators). KPIs are quantifiable metrics used to evaluate the performance of an organization, process or project in relation to its objectives and goals.

What is the “KPI” in Logistics?

These indicators provide quantifiable information on various aspects of supply chain and logistics management, allowing companies to identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions.

Types of “KPI”:

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in logistics can be classified into several categories based on the specific aspects they measure within logistics operations. Here are some common types of KPIs in logistics:

  1. Operational Efficiency:

    • Example: Number of orders processed per hour.
    • Aim: Measure order processing efficiency and warehouse capacity.
  2. Precision Delivery:

    • Example: Percentage of correct deliveries.
    • Aim: Evaluate precision and quality in the product delivery process.
  3. Order Cycle Time:

    • Example: Average time from receipt of order to delivery.
    • Aim: Measure how quickly an order is completed and delivered.

How Ground Control Uses “KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)” in its Logistics Strategy:

  1. Optimization of Routes and Deliveries:

    • Use in Ground Control: Use delivery efficiency to optimize routes and ensure on-time deliveries.
  2. Efficient Inventory Management:

    • Use in Ground Control: Use inventory rotation to efficiently manage inventory levels and reduce associated costs.
  3. Close Collaboration with Suppliers:

    • Use in Ground Control: Use supplier performance to collaborate with reliable and efficient suppliers.

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