Logistics Management

Logistics Management

The Logistics Management is the process within supply chain that HE Responsible for the planning, development and administration of the mobilization of products, their storage, information and all related activities.

What is the Logistics Management?

The Management Logistics is the process by which HE organizes and implements an operation, optimizing the use of the resources that were necessary for its execution. Therefore, in the field of transportation and distribution of merchandise, HE It deals with the control of the flow of materials and all the support services so that the activity can develop.

In sum, HE It deals with the applicable mechanisms to achieve efficient procedures when fulfilling shipping and marketing support tasks.

Objectives of the Logistics Management

The main purpose of applying management in Logistics are to improve productivity, increase performance and integrate all resources into the task performed.

Some of the objectives of the Logistics Management are:

  • Resource planning.
  • Cost reduction.
  • Higher product quality.
  • Efficiency of logistics processes.
Measurement indicators

To evaluate the fulfillment of objectives, some of the suggested KPIs refer to:

  • Production cycles.
  • Acquisitions and catering.
  • Storage and inventories.
  • Transportation and distribution.
  • Delivery to the end customer.


For example, regarding transport indicators and distribution, these can refer to transportation, operational and export costs, as well as the state of the transportation function and that of the distribution.

Meanwhile, delivery to the customer directly affects satisfaction with the service, using metrics such as delivery times. distribution, that the goods are correct and that they arrive in good condition, among other factors.

A good way to meet all the goals of an organization is to leave the comprehensive management of its merchandise transportation in the hands of a logistics service provider.

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