When positive communication is established The person feels good about themselves, since they have been able to do or say what they think and want, without offending or bothering others, and they in turn feel that they have been fair and honest.. They feel that they have been taken into consideration and this promotes understanding.

In short, an optimistic way of thinking will lead us to a mental state focused on facilitating cognition, emotion and adaptive behavior, leading us to achieve or improve a series of skills, as:
? Encourage us to be more flexible to find solutions and adapt to any situation
? Favor when thinking, planning, feeling and acting.
? Promote the establishment of friendly relationships.
? Help us feel more satisfied with our personal relationships.
? It does not generate the mental fatigue that more aggressive and negative communication causes.
? Allow a consensual agreement to be reached more easily.
? Improve problem solving: by having a greater capacity for dialogue, problem solving is done more fluidly.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is an approach developed by Marshall Rosenberg that focuses on creating connections and resolving conflict in an empathetic and constructive manner.
Expression of feelings: NVC encourages the open and honest expression of feelings, recognizing that our emotions are a natural part of our human experience. For example, you could say, “I get frustrated when deadlines aren't met,” instead of “You're being irresponsible.”
Examples of nonviolent communication
Couple discussion
When you arrive late without warning, I feel worried because I care about your safety. Could you let me know next time if you're going to be late?
At work, during a team meeting:
When you interrupt my ideas during the meeting, I feel frustrated because I want to contribute to the project. Could we establish a system to take turns speaking?
With a friend who has canceled plans at the last minute:
When you cancel our plans at the last minute, I feel disappointed because I value spending time with you. Could we try to plan further ahead to avoid these situations?

Avoid demands or demands and instead formulate requests that invite collaboration and mutual understanding.