Strategic Optimization in Land Freight Transportation: The Mexican Company at the Vanguard of the Reorganization of Supply Chains

Raising Operational Efficiency: Innovation in Mexican Land Freight Transportation Sets the Course for Future Logistics

León Guanajuato, [Nov/17/2023]

Amid growing tensions between the United States and China, as well as the economic fallout caused by Covid-19, several countries are emerging as key players in the reorganization of global supply chains.

Mexico is among the five countries called “Connectors” that are redefining supply chains worldwide. In a scenario where tensions between the United States and China have disrupted global trade dynamics, these countries are emerging as fundamental actors in the restructuring of the global economy.

The “Connectors”: Mexico, Vietnam, Poland, Morocco and Indonesia

In addition to Mexico, other countries known as “The Connectors” are Vietnam, Poland, Morocco and Indonesia. Taking advantage of their strategic geographic location and resources, these countries have managed to attract investment and expand their trade significantly.

Although together they represent approximately 4% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), they have managed to attract more than 10% of greenfield investment, exceeding US$550 billion since 2017. This phenomenon reflects how these countries have become attractive destinations for foreign investment and business expansion.

The Change in Business and Investor Dynamics

While companies, both Western and Chinese, are not completely abandoning China, a significant shift is occurring in the reorganization of supply chains. Some production has moved to countries such as Mexico and Poland, and investments that previously went mainly to China have diversified to other regions.

This process has resulted in a balance in which all parties involved can conduct business effectively. Globalization has not disappeared, but it is undergoing a significant transformation, in which companies like Control Terrestre play a central role.

Mexico's role in this new economic dynamic underscores the importance of adapting to changes in the global landscape and taking advantage of emerging opportunities in the reorganization of supply chains.

In the changing world of global supply chains, it is essential to have a reliable partner to ensure efficiency in road freight transportation. At Control Terrestre, we understand the importance of adapting to this new dynamic and we have designed a full dry and refrigerated box transportation service that will allow you to make the most of emerging opportunities in Mexico, the United States, Canada and Central America.

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