Denomination of Origin: What it is and why it is important in international trade

Mexican International Trade: The Designation of Origin

In the complex world of international trade, the Denomination of Origin stands as a badge of authenticity and quality for products originating from a specific region. This seal, so coveted in global markets, is a guarantee mark that protects both the product and the place that produces it. In Mexico, a country of vast cultural and gastronomic wealth, the Designation of Origin not only projects the essence of its products, but also plays a fundamental role in the logistics and promotion of them internationally and the supply chain.

What is the Denomination of Origin?

The Designation of Origin is a certificate that ensures that a product originates from a specific geographic region and that it has unique characteristics derived from factors such as geography, climate, raw materials, labor and tradition. This recognition, granted by entities such as the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), not only protects the authenticity of the product, but also protects the cultural and economic identity of the region at the time of making the customs declaration.

Obtaining Denomination of Origin Certifications: Process and Requirements

The process to obtain the Designation of Origin involves a rigorous evaluation of the characteristics and production processes of the product. The requirements include complying with the related Official Mexican Standards (NOMs), as well as demonstrating that the product has unique qualities that distinguish it from others in the same category. This certification not only adds value to the product, but also facilitates its export to the international market when reviewing the Commercial Code of each entity.

In the field of logistics, the Designation of Origin plays a crucial role in determining distribution channels and storage and transportation requirements to preserve the quality and authenticity of the product during its journey.

Mexican Products with Designation of Origin: Culinary and Artisan Treasures

Mexico is home to a rich diversity of Denomination of Origin products that are true culinary and artisanal treasures. Among the most notable are:

  1. Tequila: Originally from Jalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit and Tamaulipas, tequila is an emblem of Mexican culture and one of the most recognized liquors worldwide.

  2. Mezcal: Coming from states such as Oaxaca, Guerrero and Zacatecas, mezcal is appreciated for its smoky flavor and its artisanal production process.

  3. 'Pluma' Coffee from Oaxaca: Known for its smooth and distinctive aroma, this coffee is grown in the mountains of Oaxaca, offering a unique experience in every cup.

  4. Habañero pepper: Originally from the Yucatan Peninsula, this spicy chili is appreciated for its intensity and characteristic flavor in Mexican cuisine.

  5. Amber from Chiapas: This fossil resin, with golden and amber tones, is extracted in Chiapas and used in the creation of jewelry and crafts.

Conditions and Requirements for the Denomination of Origin

For a product to obtain the Designation of Origin, it must meet a series of specific conditions and requirements:

  • Geography: The region of origin of the product must have unique geographical characteristics that influence its quality and flavor.

  • Climate: The particular climatic conditions of the region are determining factors in the qualities of the product.

  • Raw material: The use of native and exclusive raw materials from the region is required for the production of the product.

  • Labour: The participation of local artisans and producers is essential to maintain the tradition and quality of the product.

  • Ingenuity and Tradition: Creativity in the production process and cultural roots are fundamental aspects.

In addition, it is necessary that the product has unique characteristics or a special quality that differentiates it from others of the same type. It must be designated with the name of the place where it is produced and have an inherent link with the region that identifies it.

Logistics and International Trade: The Role of the Denomination of Origin

In the field of logistics and international trade, the Designation of Origin plays a fundamental role in determining product distribution and promotion strategies. Denomination of Origin certifications serve as a guarantee of quality and authenticity for international consumers, facilitating their introduction into new markets and increasing demand.

Some Key Benefits Include:
  • Value added: The Denomination of Origin adds value to the product, allowing higher prices and positioning in niche markets.

  • Legal Protection: Protects the name and reputation of the product in the customs avoiding imitations and counterfeits.

  • Cultural Promotion: Promotes pride and preservation of local traditions, contributing to cultural heritage.

  • Market Diversification: Facilitates entry into new international markets and increases export opportunities.

Support for the Local Economy and Sustainable Development

Behind every product with Designation of Origin there is a community of producers, artisans and farmers who are the true guardians of tradition and quality. Supporting these products not only boosts the local economy, but also promotes sustainable practices and the development of rural communities.

Preserving Cultural and Environmental Heritage

The Designation of Origin not only protects the authenticity of the products, but also the cultural and environmental heritage of the producing regions. By valuing and supporting these products, we are contributing to the conservation of biodiversity, artisanal techniques and ancestral traditions.


In summary, the Denomination of Origin is a badge of excellence and authenticity for Mexican products in the international market. From the emblematic tequila to the exquisite 'Pluma' coffee from Oaxaca, these products are ambassadors of the culture and quality of Mexico in every corner of the world.

By valuing and promoting Denomination of Origin products, we are supporting not only the local economy and sustainable development, but also enjoying unique and authentic culinary experiences. Discover the world of Mexican products with Designation of Origin and immerse yourself in a journey of flavors and traditions! ???

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