Mayan Train as Land Freight Transport

The Mayan Train: Beyond Tourism, a Driver of Commerce and Transportation of Goods in Mexico

Mexico tourism destination, caves and pools of Cenote Casa Tortuga near Tulum and Playa Del Carmen.

Long before the Mayan Train was put into operation in Mexico, there was speculation about its tourist importance in the region; However, little has been said about its role in triggering trade thanks to its role in transporting goods.

Being a priority project of the Government of Mexico for the transportation of local and foreign travelers, the Mayan Train also has a project to operate cargo transportation services, on the same roads for the transportation of passengers.

With only a few weeks to go until the entire flagship project of the current administration is completed and delivered, there is already great interest from multiple companies that are talking about transporting their goods on the tracks.

This second stage of the project is expected to begin once the infrastructure is completed, estimated for June, so cargo transportation on the Mayan Train will begin once the ongoing electoral process is concluded.


Advantages of rail transport

The freight industry is vital to economic growth in Mexico, where demand for these services has increased significantly in recent years, according to a recent OECD report on the regulation of rail freight transportation.

The advantages of transporting goods by train are numerous: greater loading capacity, low operating costs and the lowest environmental impact. Therefore, rail services are essential for the transport of raw materials and industrial products, including cereals, agricultural products, metals and minerals. Likewise, the automotive industry also depends on this means of transportation for its production chains in North America. In addition, the frequency of departure and arrival is stable and the high capacity allows the transportation of a greater number of products.


Mayan Train Will Promote Intermodal Transportation

The UN considers it the main infrastructure project in the world. But what does this mean for carriers in Mexico? The project could add to intermodal transportation traffic and favor industrial development in the southeast, where historically there has been an imbalance between the north and center of the country.

According to estimates from the National Chamber of Cargo Transportation (Canacar), the construction of the Mayan Train has brought economic dynamism to the region not seen before.

Canacar estimates that the activity focused on the transfer of construction materials rose between 30 and 40% in recent months and the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Campeche (Canaco Servytur Campeche) estimates that its activities increased around 30%. Forecasts indicate that the advantages for transporters of cargo shipments by road (trucks with trailers and semi-trailers known in our country as "trailers") will continue in a positive trend as they benefit from the route that this train will travel.

What is the Mayan Train in Mexico?

The Mayan Train Project promoted by the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador constitutes a new rail transportation service that links the most important cities and areas of tourist interest in the Yucatan Peninsula.

It is a train that will boost tourism and cargo transportation in the south of the country. Conceived as a project for the transportation of cargo and passengers, the Mayan Train provides the opportunity to expand commercial horizons and streamline communication with that region.

According to a report on its profitability, prepared by the consulting firms PWC and Steer Davies and presented by the SHCP, the growth in annual passenger demand will be 62 million national and foreign tourists by 2033 and 145.6 million local passengers.

Mayan Train Services

The main rail transportation proposal of the current federal administration connects the main regions of the Yucatán Peninsula: the states of Campeche, Chiapas, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and Yucatán.


The train offers three different services:

Regional. To function as a means of transportation between nearby cities and allow easy travel for both local and foreign passengers.

Tourist. The train has a unique design and its route will cover archaeological zones, magical towns and beach destinations of tourist interest.

Loading. It facilitates the transportation of goods through the Mexican southeast, saving costs, delivery times and environmental impact.

Mayan Train Route

The goal of this railway line is to connect Caribbean tourist destinations with lesser-known places inland, including historical Mayan sites.

The Mayan Train railway line starts from Palenque, in Chiapas, and heads northeast towards Cancún, in Quintana Roo, along two routes that border the peninsula. It is estimated, according to a Fonatur report, that the 70% passengers will be residents of the 5 states through which it crosses.


What is the logistical future in Mexico with the Mayan Train?

To further improve the cargo industry in Mexico, the trains will have loading stations located in San Francisco de Campeche, Mérida, Cancún and Chetumal. These stations will have areas for receiving trains and loading and unloading goods.

Both the business class and the transportation industry, that is, both customers and suppliers of cargo shipments, are already in dialogue to use railway services. It is expected that all these interested companies will join the freight transfer terminals in the future. Meanwhile, the infrastructure already shows significant progress and some details were released.

What does the Maya Train Multimodal Freight Project consist of?

Different multimodal terminals and railway operations yards are contemplated for the exchange of goods; for example, in Pomuch, Poxilac and Valladolid.

Chetumal will have another multimodal terminal, which will communicate a future to Central America. For Tulum there will be a connection through the airport and from there go down to a terminal that is planned to be built. And finally, the railway operations yard in Xpujil is contemplated.

In the case of Cancun, it is supplied with perishable products daily and does not have the capacity to maintain a strategic reserve, which is why it is also contemplating building a multimodal cargo terminal.

Such intermediate trading yards will ensure continuity, agile flow and position the marketing of local merchandise to support the economic growth of that area.

Characteristics of the Cargo Project

The maximum speed for cargo transportation will be 120 kilometers per hour, while that for passengers will be 160 kilometers per hour. The mega project will cover about 1,550 kilometers with 20 stations and 690 kilometers of electrified tracks.

Freight service with a maximum axle load of 32.5 tons. Freight transportation will run at a speed 72 percent faster than current roads and 12 percent faster than motor transportation. There will be a batch of approximately 75 Diesel-Electric traction trains that will circulate along the route to provide cargo and passenger service.

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