Supply chain

According to the RAE: Set of means and methods necessary to carry out the organization of a company or a service, especially distribution.

What is “Supply Chain” in Logistics?

The supply chain, also known as supply chain, is a key concept in the field of logistics and refers to the set of processes and activities necessary to take a product or service from the production stage to the final consumer.


There are several types in logistics, and their structure can vary depending on the industry, the product or service, and the specific needs of the company. Here are some common types:

  1.  Direct (Direct Supply Chain):

    • Linear and direct approach from the supplier to the end customer.
    • Ideal for consumer products that go directly to retailers and then to consumers.
  2.  Extended (Extended Supply Chain):

    • It includes suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers.
    • It involves a broader and more complex network of participants.
  3.  Agile:

    • Designed to quickly adapt to changes in demand and market conditions.
    • Focused on flexibility and responsiveness.

Logistics functions, specifically in companies like Ground Control, play a crucial role in optimizing operations and improving efficiency in supply chain management. Here are some key features and how Ground Control uses them to your advantage:

  1. Route Planning:

    • Function: Design optimal routes for the delivery of goods, considering time and cost efficiency.
    • Use in Ground Control: Use route planning technologies to ensure fast and cost-effective deliveries, minimizing risks associated with high theft risk areas.
  2. Real Time Monitoring:

    • Function: Track vehicle movement in real time to ensure compliance with routes and schedules.
    • Use in Ground Control: Implement real-time monitoring systems to detect deviations, unauthorized stops and prevent risk situations.
  3. Telemetry and Vehicle Monitoring:

    • Function: Collect data on vehicle performance, including fuel consumption and maintenance.
    • Use in Ground Control: Use telematics solutions to monitor fuel consumption and detect irregular patterns, minimizing the risk of fuel theft.

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