Refrigerated Transport in Monterrey

Get to know our Refrigerated Transportation Service in Monterrey

At Control Terrestre, we know how crucial it is to keep your products in perfect condition during transport. Our refrigerated freight service in Monterrey, or also known as refrigerated transport in Monterrey, is designed to ensure that your goods reach their destination with freshness and quality intact, regardless of the distance.

Shipments of Temperature Sensitive Merchandise

Our refrigerated freight service in Monterrey or refrigerated transport in Monterrey focuses on the transportation of goods that require controlled temperature conditions. We manage the necessary logistics to provide a suitable environment throughout the journey, guaranteeing that your sensitive products are kept in the best possible conditions.

Refrigeration Safety

At Ground Control, we combine speed with security. We maintain the highest quality standards in every phase of your refrigerated shipment. You can trust that your goods will reach their destination safely and efficiently, without compromising their integrity.

Confidence in Every Shipment

The quality of our services is not at odds with trust. Each shipment of refrigerated freight in Monterrey or refrigerated transport in Monterrey is backed by our commitment to offering a safe and reliable service. We are your trusted partner for the transport of perishable and temperature-sensitive products.


Comercial Partners: At Control Terrestre, we understand the importance of working with reliable business partners and having a highly trained team. Our network of collaborators and expert personnel guarantees that your cargo is in good hands.

Certified Transportation Lines: We work in collaboration with certified transport lines that comply with the most rigorous regulations and safety standards, such as registered suppliers. CANACAR. This ensures that your cargo is in full compliance with applicable regulations.

Specialized Units: Our fleet of specialized units adapts perfectly to the unique characteristics of your cargo. Each vehicle is carefully selected to ensure the safety and integrity of your shipments.

24 Hour Monitoring: We maintain constant monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means you will always know the location and status of your cargo, providing peace of mind and security at all times.

Optimal Deliveries and Punctuality: Our priority is to ensure efficient and on-time deliveries for even the most challenging cargoes. Your merchandise will arrive at its destination at the right time.

Security and Trust: Security and trust are the fundamental pillars of our services. In Ground Control, we are proud to be your trusted partner for refrigerated transport in Monterrey, and our Refrigerated Freight service in Monterrey, standing out for our commitment to quality and safety.

Refrigerated Freight Services in Monterrey

Our refrigerated freight service in Monterrey is specially designed to meet the transportation needs of temperature-sensitive goods in this important area of commerce. With our fleet of specialized units for refrigerated transport, we guarantee that your products arrive fresh and in perfect condition to their final destination in Monterrey and its surroundings.

Refrigerated transport is essential to maintain the quality of your products. At Control Terrestre, we specialize in refrigerated freight in Monterrey, ensuring that each shipment meets the highest standards of safety and efficiency. Our experience in refrigerated transport allows us to offer personalized and reliable solutions for all your logistics needs.

flecha abajo

Types of transport units

Control Terrestre and Refrigerated Transport in Monterrey

Refrigerated Freight: The Solution for the Transport of Sensitive Goods

At Control Terrestre, we understand the importance of keeping your perishable products in optimal condition. Our refrigerated freight service in Monterrey focuses on safety, efficiency and reliability for the transfer of your temperature-sensitive goods.

When freshness and quality are the priority, our refrigerated freight from our refrigerated transport is the solution. At Terrestrial Control, we value every detail and understand that your business cannot afford risks. Contact us today and discover how we can ensure the integrity of your most delicate shipments.


Opening times

Monday to Saturday 8:00am–7:00pm

01 800 002 6875 / 55 8532 8034

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